ISDN Installation 25/01/99

Download isdnpace.inf from Pace. Then Start/Settings/Control Panel/Modems/Add/ and point it to isdnpace.inf. This is fine but you now come to what the support people call the 'Speed problem'. As I understand it if you use the Hayes AT command AT&F then you will set the modem to its factory defaults which include an auto detect which is broken with respect to M$. So, what you should really do is stop here. You have sucessfully prepared new machine for modem, just pop the modem over, it will retain you setting and you wont have to do what I had to do to recover from probing with M$ install, having a bit of a go with M$ /My computer/Dialup Networking/My Connection/Properties/Advanced/Script Window Before Dialing/

Initialising the modem from factory defaults

Open a session in /Start/Programs/Accessories/HyperTerminal

Note: if you are not seeing the OK then HyperTerminal is probably not set at the same speed as the modem.
  1. Input Tmp
  2. Select Direct to Com1
  3. Type AT [enter]
    If send light flashes then you are talking to the modem
  4. type AT&F [enter]
    This reinitialises to factory defaults
    which include speed negotiation.

    The default speed that Windows HyperTerminal asks for is 2400 baud, which is what it gets.
    You have to first set the speed of HyperTerminal to run at this default, then tell the modem to use the new speed and change the speed at which hyperterminal will run. You could probably avoid all this if you configured HyperTerminal to 115200 before connecting to the modem.
  5. at#nbpots1= [enter]
    Turn off multiple subscriber numbering
  6. ats114=115
    This sets the speed to 115200,
  7. ats124=0
    This disables speed negotiation
  8. at&w
    This writes to memory
  9. at#z
    This instucts modem to use current settings. Now you need to disconnect, increase the speed of Hyperterminal to 115200, reconnect.
  10. All finished

Contact points for PACE Technical Support

Telephone        (+44) 01274 537031
Fax              (+44) 01274 537029
Compuserve       76004,3443 or GO UKVENA forum
BBS              (+44) 01274 531377 or (+44)1274 537043 both V34

Hayes Modem Strings

String Description Comment
ATZ Reset
AT$Z Reset from firmware
AT#Z Use current settings
AT&F&w Reset to factory defaults and write
AT&C1 Raise carrier detect
ATS114=115 Set speed to 115200
ATS124=0 Do not look for speed changes
ATS114=115 Set speed to 115200
AT&w Write to memory
AT#Z Use current settings
ATDT08450798200 Tone dial 0845 0798200
at#nbpots1= Turn off multiple subscriber numbering


The ISDN line is an ETSI (European Telecom Standards Institute) line (ISDN 2E), not an old BT ISDN line; there are little, (but important:) differences between the two.

It is also known as an NTE Number 8.

Document Dated: Mon Jan 25 1999
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