File Naming Conventions

Things on this site tend to veer towards Unix, as I write in Perl, but I use NT at home and at most sites.

Stick to the Perl Standard, ie as long as you like, with underscores (_) instead of spaces.

Don't use special characters. Special characters get treated differently. You cannot rely on perl scripts acting right between platforms if you use spaces, ampersands, slashes or any other top row character.

Don't use more that one dot(.) Don't use hyphens.

If you use a dot(.) then the next characters should spell a mime type or HKEY name or a significant file name extension.

Version Control

Any filename which contains an underscore followed by digits before the extension is assumed to be an old version. Old versions are not searched and cannot be modified.

The page modification scripts rename old versions to the next highest version.

Node Naming Conventions

The convention is that node names should be short. Otherwise they follow the file naming conventions vis. no special characters and no spaces. Capital letters should only be used if the name is initials. To ensure that node names are short you may need to invent initialised names. These should be spelt out in the node contents.

Perl Coding Conventions

There are a few utilities on the site which sort of expect reasonable coding practice, specifically that the first comment line containing alpha characters (after the #! line) is the title. Best put one in or the scripts won't work.

On the issue of braces I invoke the authority of Larry Wall and claim that wherever possible braces should occupy a separate line.

Document System Conventions

This system was written by the formidable
WilliamC and consequently requires a few words: if a subroutine starts with an underscore (_) it will later be evaluated. If a file has a comment line in it it was probably added by Tim:)

The Document Control system does not have extensions on the commands, however this means that NT systems don't recognise them as scripts, so put an extension on:)

Database Naming Issues

Database names, table names and field names should be lowercase.

Database field names should use underscores instead of spaces.

All tables should have a sequential numeric key called id.

References to the id field in another table should be called [table]_key.

Java naming conventions

Variables using the postfix name should be of type string.

If you have defined a set of numeric values for strings then these should be called _type or _code (not name).

If you are refering to a table id field then use postfix _key

Document Dated: Wed Sep 29 15:25:00 1999 by TimP
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