Admin tool required. Self-administered by the athlete with approval prior to posting by a SPEEDO representative.


It is required that an edit-system be created to allow administration of the content of the "athletes" diaries section by the athletes themselves and by the main administrator. This user group is percieved to be remote, disperate and non-expert.

Two discretely different interface will be provided so that the user only has access to functions which are relevant to them.

Access to this area of the site should be restricted by the provision of an approved username and password.

In addition to this it would be useful for an administration username and password to be issued to a representative of TSL which would allow the company to gain access to the diaries of individual athletes via a listing, for editing and deleting of entries.

The system itself should provide the following functionality:


To create a new diary entry the user will be required to select the "new entry" icon positioned adjacent to the entries list. This will call up a blank form allowing entry of all the information and data pertaining to the new entry.

To edit an existing entry the user will be required to select the "file" icon positioned adjacent to the entry itself within the entries list. This will call up a filled-out form containg all the information and data pertaining to the entry for alteration or deletion of the entry.

Each diary entry should encompass the following aspects:

   Athlete's Name    Non-Editable display to confirm the account.

   Date              The date on which the entry falls - enabling non-linear
                     entry of information.

                     The date will be entered as a set of numeric values 
                     selected from three horizontally aligned drop-down

                     The first menu represents the day (01 to 31).

                     The second field represents the month (01 to 12).

                     The third field represents the year providing a list
                     of years including the current year (default), the 
                     coming year and the previous year to allow for entries 
                     on 1st January regarding events before the New Year or 
                     vice-versa (ie: 1998, 1999, 2000).

                     The default values for these fields (to be automatically 
                     set in the form when creating a new story) should 
                     be the date on which the entry is being added.

                     On submission of the entry, it will be necessary to 
                     validate the dates being submitted (ie: 31 02 2000 is 
                     not valid). If an invalid date is entered, then the 
                     nearest previous valid date should be substituted (in
                     this case 28 02 2000 as it is a leap year).

   Entry             To be added as free-text into a textarea. 

                     When parsed into HTML, single carriage returns 
                     are to be treated as line-breaks, while double 
                     carriage returns will be treated as paragraph marks, 
                     when parsed to HTML.

                     It is required that the textareas in all the admin tools 
                     have WRAP="virtual" provided as an explicit attribute to
                     the TEXTAREA tag.

   Approval/Approve  Provided as a checkbox according to account status this 
                     option will enable contributors to request approval of an
                     entry when saving the final submission; allow administrators
                     to approve and publish entries previously submitted; and 
                     allow any user to save work in progress.

On entry to the system the second-level users should be presented with a listing of all the entries in their own diary, in reverse date order (most recent entry at the top), from which they may choose to edit or delete any single entry.

They should also be provided with the means to create a new entry in the diary.

The main administrator however will need to access the entries of various diaries owned by different second-level users (this will be done in a similar way to news categories).


On selecting this function a simple form will be presented to the user enabling them to create a new user account. This will include the name of the new user (text entry); the sport with which they are to be associated (drop-down list).

On submitting the new account information the entire sub-frameset will refresh and the default account being displayed will be set to the new account to confirm that it has been created and allow items to be added straight away by the administrator.

Accounts created using this function will also allow access to create Hints & Tips.

Account details to be submitted include:

   Athlete's Name    Entered in a text field.

   Category          Selected from a drop-down list of pre-defined categories
                     which are Swim, Beach and Triathlon. (May also include 
                     coaches if required)

Usernames and Passwords for these users will be generated automatically together with userIDs. This information should be made accessable to the administrator in the edit account interface so that it may be advised to the athlete appropriately when required.


On selecting this function a form will be presented to the user enabling them to edit the details of existing accounts; and delete existing accounts.

No actual change will take place until the user selects the "Done" button at the bottom of the form.

Each account will have a delete button horizontally aligned to it. Deleting accounts will also delete any entries in the database which are associated with it. If the button is selected a warning dialogue box will inform the user of the relevance of the request. If the user selects "OK" then the edit accounts form will be returned with the deleted account replaced by a note explaining that the account is marked for deletion which will take place when the user selects the "Done" button.

On submitting the adjusted accounts list the entire "Diaries" sub-frameset will refresh and the default account being displayed will be set to the first account in the new list. This is done so that neither a deleted account nor an account which has been renamed is displayed as this could mislead the user into thinking that the request has failed.

Account details to be editable include:

   Athlete's Name    Entered in a text field.

   Category          Selected from a drop-down list of pre-defined categories
                     which are Swim, Beach and Triathlon. (May also include 
                     coaches if required)

Usernames, Passwords and userIDs will only be displayed in the pages so that they may not be altered by the administrator, but may be referred to as an when required.


Access to this area of the site should be restricted by the provision of an approved username and password.

Additionally each athlete would be issued with their own username and password as a result of their second level account being created, enabling them to gain access only to the relevant interfaces to update their diary or hints & tips (ie: not the news tools etc.). This view will also preclude the account creation and editing tools as decribed above.

It is our requirement that no access by any means to any of the admin tools be provided unless a valid username and password - ideally stored separately on the system in a suitable encrypted form - has first been submitted to the system by the user during that session and that the username and password submitted to the system will not be recorded as an entry in any server logs and statistics. Under no circumstances should access to any administrative tool be given to the user without an approved username and password first being supplied.