Countdown to the Millenium

How it works

The above is a server side include which is invoked by inserting
     <!--#exec cgi="/paneris/cgi-bin/ssi-counter.cgi" -->
into a document.

If you are using a Java enabled browser then you will see an animated counter.

If you use a non-java-enabled browser (or turn java off in preferences) then you will see a static graphic of the time.

If you have a text browser or turn graphics off as well then you will see an english time quantity.

There is a way of breaking it: turn on java and images off and you will only see a white rectangle.

It doesn't seem as though Netscape4 can be made to display the applet ALT tag but I put it in just to be on the safe side.

It is not possible to give parameters to server side Includes under Apache, as far as I can tell, consequently you have to have a different counter for each date that you want a countdown from.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 24-Mar-2004 19:40:35 GMT