Converting Rapport Security Reports for the web

  1. Convert the word .docs into html in Word (say yes to convert images)

  2. Delete all the images files

  3. Rename all the .htm files to be .html files, and make the names lower case. You might also need to check that the names are correct (for instance, I had 'WESTG1~5.htm' which I renamed 'westg13.html' because it is the 13th report for WESTern G....). Other ones I need to check are the prm*.html. This is only really needed for consistency since you have to explicitly tell the scripts the name of the files (see step 6)

  4. Alter the HTML files:
    1. Alter the title to something like "Albania Fortnightly update no. 13"
    2. Make the background colour white (#ffffff)
    3. alter the first image (the Rapport Logo) to be <IMG SRC="reportlogo.gif" width="261" height="100"> (note that Word does not put the height and width attributes in automaticallly) Note that the WUPD files do not have this image
    4. alter the second image (a map of the region) to be <img src="algeria.gif" width="559" height="403"> or <IMG SRC="albania.gif" width="559" height="403"> depending on where the report is for. Note that not all the reports have this map.
    5. Add the tag <BASE HREF=""> just before the <TITLE> tag
    6. Get rid of some of the space after the images (lots of <br>s)

      In fact I don't do any of 1-6 above. I copy the revelant part of the HTML source from a previous version of the report, remember the number and date of the new version, paste the source over the same bit in the new file and then alter the date/number.

    7. Any other tidying-up (there is often a lot of space at the end of the file, above the distribution). In particular, go through paragraph by paragraph to check font size and weight (do not underestimate the poorness of Word).

  5. Upload the HTML files to, phone me for username/password. They need to go in /cgi-bin

  6. You now need to alter a script in the same directory: Download it and then add a line like : (note the second bit is the file name without .html appended)
                . "Albania Fortnightly Update No. 13|westg13|"
    for each report you have uploaded. Just cut and paste the last line in each section and alter the numbers. When you've made the changes FTP the file back up

  7. Test by going to the rapport web site ( and selecting the reports link. Log in using usernames and password for each company (I'll tell you where you can them) and check the links work and the documents look OK.

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