Transworld Publishing Ltd

Web Site - Proposal for Design and Build

Version 1.0

18/05/1998 Tim Joyce,


  1. Introduction
  2. Site Design
  3. The Database
  4. Fulfillment
  5. Marketing
  6. Hosting
  7. Maintenance
  8. Breakdown of Tasks with Time Estimates and Costs
  9. About HOOP


1. Introduction

This document has been written following a meeting between Elizabeth and David of Transworld Publishing Ltd and Tim and Kruger of HOOP Ltd. It's purpose is to propose the tasks and associated costs of developing a Web Site for Transworld Publishing Ltd, the UKs 4th largest Publisher. The site will need to cater for 2 distinct audiences;

Both audiences need to be wowed by the site, and take away a feeling of Solid Professionalism. In addition books consumers need to be entertained, and the site should stick in their mind as a fun place to find out about books and a safe place to buy them.

Transworld publish a number of imprints, most of which are strong brands in their own right. Initially these brands will be detailed within the main Transworld's site. In the future it is anticipated that each imprint will have it's own URL that caters for the specific audience. All such 'shadow' sites will continue to link to the main Transworld shopping trolley and checkout.

There is a vast amount of exciting technology that can be used to promote Transworld online. The nature of web sites is that it doesn't all need to be achieved at once. The first phase of the site will provide a solid foundation from which Transworld can build. This document details and costs the tasks required to achieve this solid foundation, it also provides further (uncosted) ideas that will enhance the site in the future. A phased development is preferable for all parties;

An often overlooked aspect of launching a web site is that of promotion, both online and off-line. Off-line promotion will be handled by Transworld and used on 'all above line advertising, marketing campaign & press releases'. Online marketing will be coordinated by HOOP, who will contract a specialist online marketing company. This is important as online marketing requires very specific skills.


2. Site Design

2.1 General Design Considerations

The majority of people who visit the Transworld site will not have heard of Transworld before, therefor an important aspect of the design should be to establish credibility. This is essentially done by providing highly polished graphics, and references to the 'real' company (a map to and picture of head office, and phone numbers for real people).

Beyond the requirement for a solid feel, the site should be fun with judicious use of animated graphics, and Flash technology (flash is a animated vector graphic content format from Macromedia, that is rapidly becoming a standard for fun things). An example home page design has been produced and can be seen here.

The navigation needs to be consistent, straightforward and intuitive;

A feature of many large sites is 'pesonalisation', where information is gathered about visitors, and then used to deliver customized content (e.g.. SF fans could be identified, and a special home page for SF fans delivered when they visit the site). This is not a feature that will be included in the Transworld site at this stage, as there is a feeling that customization delivers little or no additional value, and can actually annoy and frustrate the visitor by 'pidgeonholeing' them. However it is a technology that will be watched so that if it gains consumer acceptance (and the techie bits work a bit better), we can incorporate it into the site.

Every time we mention a book throughout the site, we will provide a link to the book entry in the database. This will allow visitors to the site to make 'impulse' purchases based on editorial content.


2.2 Primary Menu

This menu will form navigation to the primary areas of the site. It will contain links to the following pages:

Most of these pages will have a secondary menu listing items in each section.



2.3 Home Page

The home page will contain a brief introduction to the Transworld site, so the visitor instantly knows where they are. The page will then go into brief detail about things happening on the site. For example, a major book launch, or a chat session with an author would be highlighted here. It is important that this page changes regularly, so the visitor is constantly seeing fresh content. A 'quick search' will also be provided where the visitor can easily search the database for a book they are particularly interested in.

The secondary menu on this page will also change frequently, but will start by providing links to some of Transworld's hot authors and impressions. For example:

We will monitor which links are used, and which are ignored, so that we can adjust this page accordingly. The key to a successful home page is to provide quick access to things that the visitor wants to see.


2.4 What's New

This page will highlight new items on the site, new publications and press releases. Like the home page, this page will be used to drive people to exciting and interesting areas of the site.

This page will target journalists, allowing visitors to enter their email and area of interest. They can then receive press releases via email.

An archive of press releases will be accessible (What Was New), providing a 'corporate memory'.

The secondary menu of the What's new page will contain links:


2.5 Authors

Transworld's biggest asset for making an impact online are their authors. Many of these are household names, and can be used to bring people to the site. Initially a couple of Transworld's top authors will be profiled, and the rest simply listed. At least one Author profile should be added each month.

Profiled authors will have their own page, with biographic details, and other tip-bits. It is important that visitors can interact with the authors that are profiled, this can be achieved using email, or by setting up 'chat rooms' where visitors can chat live with authors at specified times.

This page will also be used to give details of Author Tours, and will allow people to join emails lists for news of their favorite authors. Interaction will be encouraged with short quizzes that result in discounts on books etc..

Some of Transworld's authors have a large enough following to justify their own Web Sites, we will look to develop sites for popular authors in partnership with pages that have already been built by fans. These 'unofficial' sites should be encouraged, in paticular, we should look to provide the webmasters with privileged information, in exchange for which they will provide links directly to the bookshop.

The secondary menu of the Authors page will contain links to profiled authors (as we do them), and a link to 'List of all Transworld Authors'. Where possible email and website addresses will be given for authors.


2.6 Impressions and Catalogue

The Transworld Impressions typically have a higher public profile than Transworld. they include:

Like the Authors these Impressions will justify their own web site in time. For stage one, however, we will simply provide a page of information, and list the books and authors published by each. Visitors will be encouraged to leave their email address in order to receive press releases about specific impressions.

This page will also provide an interface to browsing the books in a similar fashion to the Transworld Stocklist. Categories of books are:


Each category will be briefly described, and a 'book of the month' highlighted. A full list of publications in each category will be shown, by selecting a book, visitors will be taken to the database from where they can purchase.

The Audio category has great potential as an online resource. The Internet can now deliver good quality audio which can be used to give prospective customers a sample of the story.


2.6 Competitions

Competitions will be used to promote new books, and generally encourage interaction with visitors. The ultimate aim of all the competitions will be to capture an email address to add to the Transworld mailing lists. Initially the site will be launched with a single competition, built around a major book launch. The competitions should offer tangible rewards, discounts on books, promotional posters, or signed copies.


2.8 Bestsellers

Transworld regularly have books on the bestsellers lists, and it is worth making the most of this. This page will list the Guardian Fastsellers List, the Transworld Bestsellers List, and a Best-selling Books Online list.


2.9 Search

The Search page will allow books on the database to be found by ISBN number, Author, Title, Category and Format. Other fields can also be searched if required. The search will be 'loose', and try and make the best matches possible. This is important as there is nothing so disheartening as a message saying 'Sorry no books matched your requirements'. The results will be returned as a list from where the visitor can review individual books and make purchases.


2.10 Shopping Trolley

This link will take visitors to their current shopping trolley, allowing them to add and remove books, and change quantities. From the shopping trolley, visitors can go to the 'checkout' and actually purchase the books.

A help page will be accessible from the Trolley. It will describe the ordering process, and contain answers to Frequently Asked Questions such as 'How long will I have to wait for my book'.

Before the user goes to the checkout, they will be asked for a delivery option, where they will specify where and how they want the books delivered. They can also choose to recalculate the order quantity into whatever currency they prefer. It will be explained that this calculation is for guidance only and their actual transaction will take place in Pounds Sterling.


2.11 Contact TWP

This page will allow visitors to contact TWP in a number of ways;

Additionally, we will encourage visitors to sign up to a number of Transworld mailing lists. Lists divide into 2 types:


1) Broadcast Lists, are controlled by Transworld, and are used simply to send out information to subscribers:

2) Interactive Lists, are used by everybody for discussions. They tend to be moderated only to the extent that 'spam' is kept off. We will need to judge the demand for interactive lists, perhaps by providing visitors with the ability to comment on specific books and authors we will satisfy the demand for comment.


2.12 About TWP

This page is about providing corporate information. It will give information on the following:

It is important not to make this page too stuffy, this is a window into the company and should reflect the fun side of publishing.


2.13 Links

This page will be used to list links to websites that have linked to Transworld. Providing visitors a great jump-off point to continue surfing.




3. The Database

3.1 Database Structure

The database will be used to hold details of books, it will have a single table for book information. Initially it will contain some 2000 books, growing at about 50 per month. Each record will contain the following fields:

ISBN Number (primary key)
Price (in Pounds Sterling) inc VAT
Price (in Pounds Sterling) ex VAT
Published Date
Format (Hardback/Paperback/Audio)
Category (as per the stocklist)
Description (about 100 words, probably from the cover)
Short Reviews (from the cover)
Scan of cover (as jpg approx. 300 pixels high)

3.2 Updating the Database

The database will be created using Transworld's stocklists which are currently held in a database. We will write some scripts to extract the data and copy it online. We can provide an online updating interface so that the database can be updated independently.

Cover images will either need to be scanned or provided in electronic format.

3.3 Accessing the Database

The database will be primarily accessed through the Search engine. Throughout the site when books are mentioned, links will provide access direct to books in the database. Some pages (e.g.. for the catalogue) will be generated by reading the database.

3.4 Making the Database Interactive

A brilliant feature of the better book sites is the ability for readers to comment on books they have read, and recommend books to others with similar tastes. The database will be designed so that this facility can be added in future.

3.5 Currency Conversion

Many visitors to the site will not be from the UK. It is important that they can see the price of books in a currency they understand. Wherever a price is displayed, an option will be given to change the currency. Currency conversion rates will be held in the database and can be updated automatically from a reliable web site or maintained by Transworld. It will always be explained that the converted price is for guidance only, and the transaction will take place in pounds sterling.

3.6 VAT

Some products sold by Transworld (such as Audio Cassettes) are subject to VAT inside the EC. It is important that the correct price is presented to the visitor. This is achieved by asking weather the delivery is EC or non-EC when establishing the delivery method. Typically EC and non-EC delivery costs differ anyway.

3.7 Images

Having a picture of the cover to the books is essential. Book covers are designed to sell the book, and contribute significantly to both the online and off-line purchasing. The book covers will be stored in .jpg format and have a specific width or height. Images will be referenced from the database.



4. Fulfillment

The ability to securely process a credit card transaction and quickly get the book to the customer are crucial to the success of the site. Visitors will return to the site if they have been well served. If books are dispatched late, or credit card transactions get confused, an online shopper can be lost for good.

4.1 Credit Card Processing

Security (or lack of it) is a hot topic when discussing ecommerce. If you do not set up your system correctly you are vulnerable to people steeling numbers, and the bad press generated could easily sink your website. We therefor advise that you pass the transaction processing completely to a 3rd party, this removes any handling or processing of credit cards from Transworld. There are several companies that provide this service (such as Netbanx). We will need to discuss the most appropriate partner to handle this side of things.

We have had a brief discussion with Book Services by Post who currently handle the mail-order distribution for Transworld. They have a 'secure site' for processing credit cards, however vulnerabilities exist, as numbers are still handled physically. It is important to remember that it don't matter who is responsible for a security breach, it will be the Transworld site that suffers.

4.2 Distribution of Books

Time moves quickly online, and people expecting a delivery of books are not impressed by delays. It is essential that the fulfillment house dispatch goods promptly, and provide customers with timely and accurate information. An example of good fulfillment procedures are:


5. Marketing

5.1 Site Launch

The launch of a major new website is a significant PR event and should be handled as such. The site launch will be tied to a major book lunch which will be heavily promoted on the site, the advantage of this is that a book launch has consumer appeal, whereas a launch of a 'corporate site' is less exciting. As part of the Book / Site launch, we will have a live Internet chat session with the author.

5.2 Search Engines

Search Engines are a black art. They are nasty untamed beasts which the entire online community battle with, and there are many hopeless warriors out there offering bulk search engine registration. Unfortunately there is no alternative for hard graft. To appear on the first page of a search engine is a significant achievement and will bring many visitors to the site. HOOP will look to outsource the search engine promotion service to a specialist online promotion agency.

5.3 Banner Advertisements

Banners are a good way of bringing qualified visitors to the site, there are essentially 2 types of campaign:

  1. Banner exchanges. this is a free way of advertising, essentially you put your banner in a pool, and provide space on your site to other banners in the pool. For every banner you show, your banner will be shown on someone else's site. This means that you are not necessarily generating traffic additional traffic for the site, but are rather increasingly the quality of leads.
  2. Purchasing Advertising. You can purchase space to put you banner. Either you pay per click-through (how many people respond to the add), or per Impression (how many people see your banner). For the site launch, a pay-for-banner campaign will be run, the results of this will be analyzed, and used to justify further campaigns.

5.4 Amateur Sites

This is the best way to generate traffic to your site. Exchanging links with sites that are relevant to the publishing / book industry will both support individual books, and build more general traffic. It must always be remembered that we are working on a network (the Internet), and networking is crucial to success. Good amateur sites should be supported, even to the extent that we may not seek to do a author profile of our own if a good amateur site can be supported that covers the author.

5.5 Bulk Email (Spam)

HOOP do not recommend spam email campaigns. Although they are an easy way to generate traffic to your site, they are strongly detrimental to the image of your site (and therefor company). In the long run, you are looking to build a strong base of loyal customers. Bulk email will not encourage this.

5.6 Targeted Email

Visitors to the site will be encouraged to leave their email address through a number of mechanisms, including during the purchasing process. If consent is given, these email addresses will be used to build targeted mailing lists. Campaigns that support books, and the site in general will then be run on these lists. Maintenance of Email lists is non-trivial, and can be handled in-house by Transworld, or outsourced to HOOP. It is important that these lists are not abused, online customer loyalty is hard won and easily lost.


6) Hosting

Transworld have an existing relationship with Pipex for connectivity, and have registered a domain name with Demon. Neither of these ISPs offer an ideal package for hosting of the Transworld site. All ISPs offer very similar packages, but we require sophisticated access to the back-end server in order to build and implement the database. HOOP have an established relationship with I-way where we have good access to the back-end. We recommend hosting with I-way.

Initially it is probably unnecessary to have a dedicated server for the Transworld site, but this may become required as the site traffic builds.

As part of the hosting service Transworld will receive detailed statistics regarding the site traffic. These will show details such as which pages are most popular and where in the world most traffic comes from. Analysis of these stats is crucial to building a successful site.

It would probably be sensible for Transworld technical staff to meet with I-way (based in Soho), in order to discuss the details of the hosting arrangement.


7) Maintenance

Site maintenance breaks down into 3areas:

7.1 Regular Maintenance

This is designed to keep the site up and running, and breaks down into a number of regular tasks:

  1. Monitoring Orders, HOOP will monitor orders to spot any problems with the ordering process as quickly as possible.
  2. Monitoring Stats. It is important to regularly review the visitor statistics and make adjustments to the site accordingly.
  3. Monitoring Search Engines and Advertising campaigns, ensuring that we maintain the site as close as possible to the top of the Search engines and checking that campaigns are working as required.
  4. New books. Transworld publish about 50 books per month, all of these books should be added to the site as soon as they are launched.
  5. Mailing List Maintenance. People will be regularly joining and leaving the mailing list. It is important that there requests are processed promptly.
  6. Minor changes. Updating the list of Authors, putting up the new picture of the MD, changing contact telephone numbers.
  7. Books of the Month. Each month we will update the books of the month profiled in the catalogue section
  8. Bestsellers. The bestsellers list should be updated as soon as it changes.
  9. Press Releases. All press releases should be added to the site as soon as they are issued.
  10. New Links, the profile of the Transworld site will mean that other sites will want to link to us. It is best if these links are added straight away.

7.2 New Content

The site needs to be kept fresh with new content, this is in addition to simply adding new books to the database. The best mechanism for organizing new and fresh content is around book launches. The site should offer a significant campaign for the big book launch of the month. All of the following can form part of the campaign

  1. Author profile - this will be kept for the authors page subsequent to launch.
  2. A mechanism of interacting with the author (either email or chat).
  3. A game or competition to support the book. Offering signed copies for winners
  4. An audio or video interview or reading from the book.
  5. A targeted advertising campaign.

Over the first 6-12 months of the site we will look to enhance the Impressions section of the site by doing detailed pages for the Transworld Impressions. As mentioned these are really sites in their own right, and may well benefit from having their own URLs (e.g

We can also look to develop pages based around the Catalog headings. For example a Sci-Fi page would detail Transworld's publications in that area, and raise the profile of Sci-Fi books.

7.3 Site Overhaul

All web sites should undergo a significant review every 6 months or so. This should include:

  1. Look and feel. do we still look fresh, is there new technology we should be using?
  2. User feedback, what to our community think of us. Are there any new services we should offer?
  3. Traffic. Is the site generating enough visitors, or do we need to do more marketing?

HOOP will act in a proactive manner for all maintenance tasks.


8. Breakdown of Tasks and Costs

As requested, the initial site build costs have been kept to a minimum by limiting the amount of content on the site for launch. This means that there will be a significant monthly cost as we profile authors and add other content to the site. All costs given here are for guidance only, and will be revised as we discuss this document.

All prices are exclusive of VAT.

The HOOP payment schedule works as follows:

Commitment to project 25%
Signoff of skeleton and design 25%
Completion and launch 50%


8.1 Design and Build Cost

Design and build includes site launch and maintenance tasks for the first month.


Task Details Time (hours) Cost (pounds sterling)
Pre Sales Consultancy Initial Design, Documentation and Meetings 50 1800
Design and Skeleton Site sign-off HOOP will provide a final design for look, and a text based site (with no content) to establish 'feel' and navigation. Transworld will sign off this look and feel before the site is built 60 2160
Build of Database The database will allow books to be entered and amended, and allow searches. 40 1440
Population of Database The database will initially be populated using data supplied by Transworld. A special script will be written to import this data. Scripts will also be written to process the images of covers into a format that is appropriate for the Web 50 1800
Book launch, Author profile:

Full biographic details, picture of author, list of publications

15 540
Book launch, chat session with Author Implementation of chat program 25 900
Book launch,Game or competition A game or competition based on the book being launched. This is difficult to estimate, and will need further cost breakdown. 35 1260
Book launch, Audio or Video interview This does not cover generation of the content, but rather conversion and editing for the Web 20 720
Build of Home Page Build of the Home page 10 360

What's New Page

Initially this will contain a couple of press releases, and highlight forthcoming events. 30 1080
Authors In addition to the profiled author, this page will list all Transworld authors, with their email address and web pages (if they have them) 25 900
Impressions and Catalogue This will provide a brief introduction to each impression and list the bestseller titles for each. It will also list the catalogue sections with a book of the month for each. 40 1440
Competitions This will contain the game or competition for the book being launched 10 360
Bestsellers 3 lists of bestsellers 15 540
Links A links page will be built so that we can reciprocate link exchanges 10 360
Shopping Trolley This will allow books to be added and removed from the trolley, the delivery method to be specified, and VAT to be calculated. A help page will be written 30 1080
Contact TWP a variety of contact information 10 360
About TWP corporate information 30 1080
Integration with ecommerce site Build a transparent interface to our chosen ecommerce solutions provider, allowing customers to enter their credit card details and delivery address. 30 1080
Currency Converter This would either be automatically or manually updated and be closely integrated with the Shopping Trolley 15 540
Totals   550 19800


8.2 Marketing Costs

HOOP recommend spending at least 25% of the cost of the site on promoting it online for, and directly after launch. This will cover the design of 2 banners - 1 for Transworld and 1 for the book being launched

Total Cost £5000.


8.3 Hosting for the 1st year.

The web site, including the catalogue will probably take up some 25MB of web space. Database hosting is also required. The hosting budget should be £1,400 for the 1st year (including set-up, and Webtrends statistical package). This cost will be payable directly to the chosen ISP. HOOP do not mark-up hosting costs.

Total Cost £1400.00.


8.4 Maintenance

Task Details Time (hours) Cost per month (pounds sterling)
Regular Maintenance As detailed in section 7.1 (excluding addition of new books which can be undertaken by Transworld). HOOP can maintain the books database at a cost of £20 per book added. 25 900
New Content For a high profile book launch as details in section 7.2. This cost will vary per launch. 80 2880
New Content Home page and site for an Impression 50 1800
New Content Page promoting a particular subject area in the catalog 30 1080


9. About HOOP

Please see our website at, or feel free to browse our project management site at