Netcom CGI Primer

Under Construction


This document is intended to provide enough information, rules, and guidelines to get your CGI script accepted for installation onto your web site as fast as possible. It assumes a basic working knowledge of CGI programming.

Examples of good and bad scripts and script fragments are provided in Perl, but the concepts explained adapt equally well to other languages such as C or TCL.

The most important thing to remember about the CGI scripts on your site is that they reside outside your document root. This means that their working directory is also outside your document root. Therefore, any files read or written by your script must use pathnames beneath the DOCUMENT_ROOT environment variables.

Rules & Guidelines

The following rules must be observed:

Paths to Common Programs

If you need to run programs other than the above, please contact to discuss your requirements.

Useful Perl Modules

In addition to the standard Perl5 module library, we've installed some extra modules which you may find useful in your CGI's:

Documentation for the above modules is available from the CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network).

If you have written a CGI which requires modules other than the modules in the core Perl5 distribution, or in the list above, please contact to discuss your requirements.