Success: Error: To:,[+email] From: [+email] Subject: ISMR Website Feedback --BODY-- My Name is: [+name] Company: [company] Please reply to me by [respondemail][respondtel][respondpost] My email address is: [+email] My telephone number is: [tel] My address is: [address] I feel your training services would be especially relevant here: [info] I wish to receive the following: The ISMR Client List: [clientlist] A copy of the ISMR CAPABILITIES PRESENTATION and CASE STUDIES BOOK: [pres] The ISMR CAPABILITIES PRESENTATION on Overhead slides: [demo] Please contact me regarding a 1 day ISMR Training Programme: [programme1] Please contact me regarding a 2 day ISMR Training Programme: [programme2] ================================================ This message was sent from the ISMR Training Web Site ================================================ Posted from [$REMOTE_HOST] \[[$REMOTE_ADDR]\] using [$HTTP_USER_AGENT]