5Star Implementation Plan


5Star have a shareshare site at http://www.5star-shareware.com/ which has listings of shareware programs which users can search and browse to find progams they wish to download. There is a mechanism to count the number of downloads have occured for each piece of software (actually, the counter merely counts how many times the page has been loadecd which tells you where you can download the software from). The user can view which packages have been 'downloaded' most often using a program called "topdownload.cgi". This program now no longer works and there is no source code or documentation.

There is a working version of the script at http://www.5star.nsm.co.uk/topdownloads.cgi


Re-write the topdownload script. It has two parts:

Stage 1

Stage 2


Normally, this would be a very simple operation, but we must take care to ensure that the new version works in a way as close to the original as possible. In particular we must make sure that our scripts use the correct components of the current 5Star website since each of the scripts on the 5Star site interact.


Stage 1 : 2 hrs
Stage 2 : 4 hrs (1hr for the script and 3 hours to customise it for 5Star's site).