Motorola Cellular Subscriber Sector

Proposal to build a Materials Distribution and Communications System

Version 0.5

20/05/1998 Tim Joyce,


  1. Introduction
  2. The Database
  3. The User Interface
  4. Other Considerations
  5. Breakdown of Tasks with Time and Cost Estimates


1. Introduction

This document has been written based on a document supplied to Tim of HOOP by Afam of Marketing for Technology on 15/05/1998. It is designed to set out the tasks involved in creating a Internet system to communicate and distribute available marketing materials, quickly and easily. The site will be designed to meet Motorola's web design guidelines, please take a look at


2. The Database

The database will contain the following tables:

Primary Category
Secondary Category
Tertiary Category



2.1 Users

Use of the system needs to be restricted only to authorized people who have previously opened accounts. The Users database will contain the following fields:

User Number
Full Name
Email Address

The Users database will be maintained by M4T through a simple web interface. There will be no search facility. On arrival at the site, visitors will be presented with a login screen where they will enter there usedID and Password. Non registered users will be encouraged to contact M4T to be allocated a userId and Password.


2.2 Materials


The materials database will store details of up to 5000 marketing materials. Each item will have the following fields:

Item Number
Item ID code
Short Description
Long Description
Date Originated
Name of Supporting Image
Contact Number
Primary Category Number
Secondary Category Number
Tertiary Category Number


2.3 Contacts

The Contact Number in the Materials Table will be used reference Contacts. The user can then contact these people in to place an order. Each contact will have the following fields:

Contact Number
Email Address

Contacts will be maintained by M4T using a simple web interface. Contacts will be displayed as part of the page that displays a given material.


2.4 Categories Tables

The Materials will be categorized so that they can be found using a hierarchical drill-down. Each materials item will be given up to three categories. These categories will be used to generate catalogue pages that will allow a 'drill down' to find the materials they require.

The Primary Categories Table:

Primary Category Number
Category Description

The Secondary Categories Table:

Secondary Category Number
Primary Category Number
Category Description

The Tertiary Categories Table:

Tertiary Category Number
Secondary Category Number
Category Description




3. User Interface

The Materials database will be searchable from a search screen (the site's homepage). There will also be a mechanism to 'drill-down' the database, based on the three categories. Search fields will be:

ID Code
Primary Category Number
Secondary Category Number
Tertiary Category Number
Contact Name

If the user has logged-on as M4T, an update option will be given on each screen on the User Interface. This will allow M4T to amend and delete the items in the database quickly and easily. A toolbar will also appear allowing M4T to add items to any of the tables at any time.

Material items will each be displayed on their own screen, along with contact details for ordering. To order an item, the visitor will have to send a manual email, or visit the contacts web site.


4. Other Considerations

4.1 Images

Images will be stored in .jpg format, in a single directory. They should be named according to the ID code of the item they represent.

4.2 Hosting

The site should be hosted on a NT4.0 Server, using Access as the back end database. Perl will be used to write the middleware, although alternative technologies such as ASPs can be used it this is preferable. This is not a large database, and will have at most a medium level of traffic, so this solution has ample capacity for future expansion.




5. Breakdown of Tasks with Time and Cost Estimates

These estimates are given for guidance only, and will be refined to meet any new requirements as they arise.

5.1 Site Build and Deployment


Task Estimate (hours) Cost (pounds Sterling)
Pre sales consultancy, and preparation of proposal 12 432.00
Graphical Design 16 576.00
Build of Databases 16 576.00
User Authentication 4 144.00
Search Facility 10 360.00
Catalogue Drill-down 6 216.00
Database maintenance screens 12 432.00
Configuration of server 6 216.00
Review of Site and sign-off 10 360.00
Maintenance and bug fixes for 1st month 16 576.00
Total 108 3888.00


5.2 Hosting

Hosting will be at, and will cost £600 for 10Mb of web space (including database access).