DEAL WITH STRESS IN ALL ASPECTS OF EVERYDAY LIFE: Learn my unique methods to eliminate stress and cope better and change specific patterns of behaviour. This will also help with reducing ones blood pressure and make for a more relaxed way of life.


ANXIETY, AND PANIC ATTACKS AND PHOBIAS: Learn to react differently and cope with your anxieties in a new and more positive way. Fears and Phobias such as using lifts, all forms of travel especially air travel, Fear of crowded places or enclosed places and fears of animals especially especially spiders and snakes can be helped by Hypnotherapy. Another very common problem is the fear of disease, going to the dentist or having operations, all of which can be very successfully treated by Hypnosis.


DEAL WITH DEPRESSION: Everyone can suffer with depression and there is always a very good reason for it but many people become caught up in a downward spiral and feel unable to deal with the position that they find themselves. They feel no longer in control of their situation and need help to get them to let go of the past and rebuild for the future.


DEALING WITH INSOMNIA: learn the techniques of sleeping again naturally. Insomnia can be caused by many different problems where the sleep patterns have been interupted by by illness, anxieties and unnatural stresses. Hypnotherapy can help the patient to let go of that pattern and with the learning of self-hypnosis, to sleep well and awaken refreshed.


DEALING WITH WEIGHT AND EATING DISORDERS: Motivating weight-loss or gain and help them to take back the control that the patient feels they no longer have. Most importantly helping the person to create a better self-image and learning to like themselves and to become much more self-confidant in the world around them. With Anorexia and Bulimia Hypnotherapy is very helpful in getting the person back to a balance within their eating habits but also most importantly rebuilding a good self image and confidence to be able to lead a normal, happy and fulfilled way of life.


DEALING WITH CHRONIC HEALTH PROBLEMS: Hypnotherapy can help with chronic pain in a safe and natural way and can be used successfully as an effective anaesthetic for surgery, Burns or Dentistry [with the agreement of ones own Doctor]. It is excellent in helping people to improve their own immune system that is recognised as a very important aspect of our everyday health and well being. Our immune system is governed by our emotional wellbeing and when in balance, is working to our benefit. Hypnotherapy also is successful in helping with problems of irritable bowel syndrome and colitis, Skin disorders and asthmatic symptoms; also it is good for helping to eliminate migraines and headache and neck tensions. Problems of Pain in arthritis and back pain can be substantially helped by Hypnotherapy. All of these problems can have an anxiety basis to them.


AID TO NATURAL CHILDBIRTH: Hypnotherapy is an excellent help to women wanting to have a natural childbirth. You can help with the contractions, making the delivery easier and more relaxed thus helping the recovery of mother and baby and to make a more relaxed bonding with the child. Especially with a first baby there can be a fear of the unknown and anxiety of whether you will be cabable of looking after such a precious human being. In Maternity Units there is now a much more positive attitude for mothers to be helped with relaxation and enjoyment of what is a unique and wonderful experience.


STOP SMOKING: Smoking itself is not the problem, it is how you cope with life that is and under stress people reach, thinking it will help them to cope better but it doesn't. Hypnotherapy is a very successful way of helping the patient to take control of the emotional side of the problem therefore making smoking unnecessary.


PUBLIC SPEAKING AND SPEECH PROBLEMS: Within the workplace can cause a lot of anxiety especially when having to give lectures, attend interviews and deal with staff problems. Lack of confidence, blushing and general shyness in public can be greatly helped by Hypnotherapy so that it becomes a positive and productive experience.


ENHANCE YOUR CREATIVITY AND OVERCOME LEARNING DIFFICULTIES:Hypnotherapy is an excellent tool to help to enhance artistic productivity, Acting, Singing, Writing and painting. It also helps to improve memory and concentration and instil a very positive attitude to learning any skill and it is especially useful to help in examination preparation and the anxiety of the Exam itself.


RELATIONSHIP AND SEXUAL PROBLEMS: These play a fundamental part in our everyday life and if there are Problems they cause anxiety which stops a person from leading a happy and normal life. Insecurity, Jealousy and aggressiveness can all be helped with Hypnotherapy so that the patient can start to have closeness and understanding with their partner. Sexual difficulties of all kinds respond to this therapy and give the person a better knowledge and understanding of the underlying issues and the causes of their problem.


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